Saturday, April 25, 2009

Is it a northern thing?

Beep, Beep, Beep - I interrupt your regularly programed blog for this important message. Okay, I can sit here quietly no longer! There are many words in the English language that are mispronounced, and I'm no English major but this one word is driving me nuts! I can handle it when you say "idear" for idea, I let that one slide. I'm sure there are others, but this one makes me cringe! And I've only noticed it since I've moved up north. People get it straight! It's - as' fawlt!! You know, the stuff used to pave roads. The word is asphalt. The 'ph' comes after the 's' sound. It is NOT ashfalt. It's 'as' like a donkey, then 'phalt' like to blame or a crack in the earth. AS-PHALT!! Got it?! Good. You may now return to your regular programing.


Libby said...

wow, peach, i've never heard that one! it bugs me that people in mi pronounce o's differently...i remember a long time ago, playing pool with guys who would say "you've got stripes, i have 'salads'! sounded like it anyway!

chesneygirl said...

I swear to you I am NOT guilty of this.

I didn't realize we pronounced 'o's differently as Libby said.

MissKris said...

My parents were 'transplants' out here to the Pacific NW from New England and never did lose most of their Yankee accents. My dad was notorious for adding 'r' to words that ended in 'a' and dropping the 'r' at the end of words. I had a friend years ago named Linda Gurda and she used to get the giggles when my dad called her "Liner Gurder", ha! My mom used to crack us up as kids when she'd say "Pahk yuh cah behind the ball pahk!" And 'pattern' was always pronounced 'pattuhn'.Thanks for triggering off these memories!

Rachel said...

I never heard that one before. You did a good job of explaining it though! I think one thing I say sometimes is instead of tires, I say tares. "My car needs new tares." LOL I know the difference, I just slide back into my hillbilly mode!