Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Anyone for a Freebie?

Howdy! Sorry to have been gone for so long, but life has demanded my attention. Thought I'd take a little break and share this with y'all though. It's a Freebie. A small one, but every little thing helps.

Got an email from my dad telling me about it and tried it and it really works! I don't use 411 (information) very often but it comes in handy especially when I'm on my cell There is this new service out that provides the information for free AND connects you. All you have to do is dial 1-800-FREE411. It is sponsored by businesses and occasionally you may have to listen to a brief ad but the two times I used it there was no advertising. You will still be charged the minutes on your cell phone but not the extra fee for 411 service. Pretty cool huh? I thought so!

Started Bible study last week. Tonight was our 'first' class though and I really enjoyed it. We are studying the book of Acts. Got me to wondering though.....Wonder what kind of Blog Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John would have had? Would love to have posted on those! Of course Judas and others would have to have theirs too. The internet can be a wonderful thing or misused for corrupt things. I am so glad that I have found Blogs such as yours that are fun, entertaining and heartwarming....as well as some spiritual ones. I still have quite a bit to catch up on but I have been trying to read yours and post when I can. Things are starting to slow down a bit, so just hang in there with me and the "Caffeine Pit Stop" will be revitalized soon.


Cheryl said...

Yay! It's good to hear from you. I have tons to do, and shouldn't be here but I was so happy to hear from you at my place that I had to drop by.

Thanks for the 411 info. I'll use that! The Bible Study sounds great--perhaps we'll hear about it in the future?

Take care!

chesneygirl said...

Glad to see a new post!
Hope things are getting better.

Thanks for the cell phone info...I'll definately have to program that in my phone!

Curious Servant said...

I like the idea of what the gospel writers would have blogged.

I think they would have been sharing what they knew of the life of Jesus and how it relates to our own lives.

There would have been stories about love, and compassion, and parables that we could apply to the difficult times in our lives.

Acts would have been different. It would probably be more of a daily blog that shared what was going on and how amazing it all is.

The epistles I guess would have been direct address posts that would have applied the lessons Jesus gave us, but sometimes taking us "{to the woodshed" for the misuse of our resources (money, time, etc.).

Nice to hear from you again!

Anonymous said...

I've never heard of the free411 service. I'll have to check it out!

I started a bible study on Matthew with my sister-in-law a few weeks ago. Very, very interesting to think about what kind of blog he would have had!