As for my golf game....well, I've had some good days and some not-so-good days. My partner and I are in 1st place by quite a lead, but keeping it could be another story. I just don't understand how I can be so good one day and hit so well, and go to absolutely terrible, practically over night. Oh well, that's why I'm not making the big bucks! :)
Kids are doing fine (as far as teenagers go). This is their last week of school before summer break begins. They are excited. Aubrey will be hitting the golf course a lot more, Zach will be putting in more hours as work, and Brit continues looking for a new job. She is also still with her boyfriend, but they spend WAY too much time together. A job for her (and him) would be good.
OH! Here's the big news....We have a trip planned to Alaska. We are going the 2nd week of June and going halibut fishing. The kids are actually kind of excited. Our friends from Buffalo are going with us also. It is going to be a blast!! We'll be shipping back a lot of fish, but halibut is the best! I have two cook books of just halibut recipes. We will also go to a glacier park and the Anchorage zoo. I'm really looking forward to it.
Well, I guess that's about it for now. Hope everyone is enjoying life!