Ok, ok, so I'm a little late. Better late than never. I'm off to a terrible start on my New Years Resolution. That was (I repeat "was") going to be to post at least once a week. Well, I guess it's not too late to start.
The new year started off good for me. We had a lay-off at work and I was spared. At least for now. There are no plans for a future lay-off any time soon, but you never know. So for now, I still have my job. This Winter has been an absolute BEAR! I mean COLD!!! My sister called me from Tallahassee, FL to tell me how freezing she was at a low of 24 degrees. PLEEEEZE! I'd be happy with a
high of 24. Our lows have gotten down below 0 and highs in the single digits. Yesterday was the first time we went over 32 since Winter has started. Lots of snow and wouldn't you know it the kids snowmobliles are broken and no money to fix them. I really feel bummed for them.
I am trying to stay motivated and get things organized and packed around here to put my house on the market. The payments, insurance, taxes, and utilities are just more than I can handle. There's no extra for anything and no getting ahead. I think I am going to find a place to rent for a year or so and then think about moving back down south. We'll see, only time will tell.
Well, I hope everyone is off to a great start, and I wish each of you a Happy, Heathly and Blessed New Year!