I was tagged by Ches. Yea, she loves me. Well let me get this over with tonight because I have something else I want to write about tomorrow morning....
Three Things That Scare Me1. Anything that would harm my children
2. Driving in a snow storm
3. Getting tagged with these silly memes
Three People Who Make Me Laugh1. Ellen Degeneres
Doug - Especially his stories about he and Skunky! Check him out!
Chesney Girl!
Three Things I Love1. My family
2. My blog peeps
3. Music
Three Things I Hate1. Idiot drivers
2. Foul language
3. Wind, especially in Winter
Three Things I Don’t Understand1. politics
2. how people enjoy watching wrestling
3. how some people get their drivers license
Three Things On My Desk1. my computer
2. small statue of Mother Mary w/Baby Jesus
3. Coke bottle from 1980 from the GA Bulldog National Championship!
Three Things I Want To Do Before I Die1. Make other people happy
2. visit Germany
3. travel in an RV
Three Things I Can Do1. Water ski on one ski
2. cook
3. tie a cherry stem into a knot with my tongue
Three Things I Can’t Do1. sing
2. grow plants
3. function without coffee in the morning
Three Things I Think You Should Listen To:1. Your heart
2. Your mom (even if it's the memory of her)
3. nature
Three Things You Should Never Listen To1. A phone call that starts...."Good evening Mr. /Mrs. X, how are you doing this evening?"
2. Any CD with parental advisory on the cover
3. Gossip
Three Things I’d Like To Learn:1. to speak German fluently
2. more about computers
Three Favorite Foods:1. Seafood
2. Mexican
3. Cajun
Three Things I Regret1. Not sticking with golf when I was a teenager
2. Not being able to put down more things for the previous topic (favorite foods)
Three People I’m Tagging to do this Meme:1.
Libby ~ I know her answers would be a hoot!
Pirate ~ Everyone wants to know how a pirate would answer these!
Susie ~ Only because I don't have a whole lot of regular readers and she's one of them, but maybe not after this! lol